Website Accessibility Statement
Garsington Parish Council website
Our website is run by Garsington Parish Council and hosted externally. In line with Public Sector Bodies (Website and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 the council wants the site to be accessible to as many people as possible.
For example, you should be able to:
• Change colours and fonts
• Zoom in up to 300% without text spilling off the screen
• Navigate most of the website using a keyboard
• Navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
• Listen to most of the website using a screen reader
If you need assistance is making your device easier to use please visit AbilityNet, or other specific websites for further information.
How accessible is the council’s website? Following some testing we acknowledge that some parts of our website are not fully accessible and are working to resolve this:
Area of Website Action to be taken Review Date
Some Pdf files are not accessible Work to find software that will increase accessibility 6 months from adoption
We continue to work with external experts to review and improve our website in line with best practice and local council specific requirement. If you identify any issues, please contact the Parish Office.
What to do if you do not have access to the website
If you do not have access to the website or need information in a different format (pdf, large print etc.) please contact the Parish Council([email protected]) to discuss your needs.
Our website is run by Garsington Parish Council and hosted externally. In line with Public Sector Bodies (Website and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 the council wants the site to be accessible to as many people as possible.
For example, you should be able to:
• Change colours and fonts
• Zoom in up to 300% without text spilling off the screen
• Navigate most of the website using a keyboard
• Navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
• Listen to most of the website using a screen reader
If you need assistance is making your device easier to use please visit AbilityNet, or other specific websites for further information.
How accessible is the council’s website? Following some testing we acknowledge that some parts of our website are not fully accessible and are working to resolve this:
Area of Website Action to be taken Review Date
Some Pdf files are not accessible Work to find software that will increase accessibility 6 months from adoption
We continue to work with external experts to review and improve our website in line with best practice and local council specific requirement. If you identify any issues, please contact the Parish Office.
What to do if you do not have access to the website
If you do not have access to the website or need information in a different format (pdf, large print etc.) please contact the Parish Council([email protected]) to discuss your needs.